Pyro: Python Remote Objects: version 3.10 (2009-12-07)
Pyro is an advanced and powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in Python, that is designed to be very easy to use. It resembles Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
CherryPy 3.1.2 doesn't fly on IronPython 2.6
- First it complained on missing _getframe, treated by the option X:Frames
- Then with CPython 2.5 it couldn't find collections module
- With CPython 2.6 it couldn't find signal module
But there is a pretty old post saying that it is possible! Just need to be more patient :)
IronPython 2.6 and empty
If you start using IronPyhon 2.6 and if you want it to start very fast, don't forget to put empty in your application directory.
IronPython 2.6 released
Release Notes
Hello Python Community,
We’re proud to announce the release of IronPython 2.6 final. This is a major release with improvements across all areas of IronPython.
Fitnesse: Local SLIM versus remote SLIM: 3 times slower, remote execution penalty
If I run Python SLIM server locally, the simple test takes ~ 0.6 seconds, when using psexec, it is ~ 3.6 seconds
Fitnesse: A DecisionTable that calls a ScenarioTable does not make any assertions of its own.
Notice that there is no concept of an output header; i.e. there is no '?' in any of the column headers. A DecisionTable that calls a ScenarioTable does not make any assertions of its own.
Fitnesse: Scenarios come first!
Notice that the name of the decision table, once camel-cased, will be WidgetRenders. Since this is the name of the above scenario, the scenario will be called rather than a fixture.
Fitnesse: Scenario Tables Philosophy
There are no if or while statements within scenarios. They are macros, not programs. They are constructed via text substitution.
Fitnesse: Script Table Actor
If there is no actor specified then the previous script table's actor on this test page will be used
Comparing TWO continuous build tools: Cruise Control and Hudson
Continuum, Cruise Control and Hudson are some of the famous continuous integration tools which people are using nowadays. Cruise Control is the pioneer one and people are using from a long period of time.
Fitnesse uses Hudson for Continues Integration
Extensible continuous integration server
Hudson offers the following features:
- Easy installation: Just java -jar hudson.war, or deploy it in a servlet container.
FitNesse build, test, deploy time is four and a half minutes.
"FitNesse build, test, deploy time is four and a half minutes. Includes 2,200 unit tests and 220 acceptance tests, jar file creation." by Robert C.
SharePoint 2010 Developer
SharePoint 2010 provides the business collaboration platform for developers to rapidly build solutions using familiar tools while leveraging a rich set of out of the box features.
Extra Goodies that are consistent throughout all Slim tables and ports.
Exception Handling
Symbols in tables
Constructor arguments
Value comparisons
Graceful names
Fitnesse: Graceful Names
The names of fixtures, methods, inputs, and outputs can be expressed in two forms. They can match their corresponding names in the fixture classes, or they can be graceful.
Fitnesse: The Slim Protocol (V0.0)
FitNesse communicates with Slim over a socket (see >PortManagement). When you hit the Test button, FitNesse starts up a SlimServer process by issuing the appropriate command line.
The SlimServer opens and listens to a server socket. It gets the port number from FitNesse via the command line. The default is 8085 and it cycles through the next 10 ports to avoid collisions.
Fitnesse SLIM and Python: Executing python code from waferslim
Because the fitnesse slim protocol is string-based, all method parameters passed from fitnesse cells will be unicode strings by default (type "str" in python3, type "unicode" in python2) .
Fitnesse: Searching for tags
If you hit the Search button, You will see a form that allows you to search for pages that certain attributes or tags.
Firefox gets individual processes like Chrome
Mozilla is looking to implement separate processes for multiple tabs, plugins, extensions, and more.
Scenario Tables for FitNesse
Critics may rightly point out that you can get the same results by simply writing a ColumnFixture that interprets the final table. True, but then you put the burden of test-abstraction on the programmers.
The difference between a laborer and a professional is that a laborer takes orders from his boss.
The difference between a laborer and a professional is that a laborer takes orders from his boss, and a professional provides input to his superiors. Laborers are hired to take direction.
reStructuredText: Literal Blocks
Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and
all kinds of markup (like *this* or
\this) is preserved by literal blocks.
Fitnesse SLIM: Drill down into the Scenarios
So now you can write functions in Fitnesse/SLIM! Ups, sorry, not functions but Scenarios! But they can be nested! And you can see Stack Trace! Ups, sorry, Scenarios Trace! And does Communication Chanel work again? Looks like Robert talks about Business Analysts, QA and Developers working together
Writing Maintainable Automated Acceptance Tests with Fitnesse and SLIM Scenarios
Nice video, it shows Fitnesse and SLIM Scenarios in action, highly recommended!
BDD style is simply not appropriate for all, or even most kinds of tests. Because it's wordy.
The BDD style is very pretty. Certainly business people can easily read and write it. Moreover, the BDD style provides a conceptual framework within which automated test specification and be efficiently composed.
Restful Tests with Fitnesse
You can get an XML test report back from either a test or suite execution by appending the format=xml parameter to the end of the URL.
Restful Services with FitNesse
FitNesse is a web application, therefore all of it's functions can be accessed by passing it URLs. The structure of FitNesse urls is very simple.
Reasons for running FitNesse tests from the command line.
Can be included in build scripts like ANT
Can generate XML output to a file
ironclad: Compatibility layer to allow IronPython to import and use compiled CPython extensions
Ironclad aims, in the long term, to allow IronPython users to transparently import and use any compiled CPython extensions. Ironclad works with IronPython 2.6 and targets CPython 2.6 on 32-bit Windows; efforts to support other platforms are underway.
The ADSI Attribute Cache: read operations work on the contents of the cache only
The ADSI object model provides a client-side attribute cache for each ADSI object. The attribute cache is comparable to a table in memory that contains the names and values of most object attributes that have been downloaded.
Twitter: What's happening?
Twitter has changed the question! Not sure when as I've just noticed it :) But still has the old one: "What are you doing?" I think Twitter's version is better, so I’ve changed my blogs title too :)
Quest Software Delivers Major Update to Virtual Desktop Management Platform
ALISO VIEJO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Quest Software, Inc.
New Fitnesse Release 20091121
Major Changes
- The -c command line argument allows you to run tests or suites (or any other Restful command) from the command line without starting the server.
The SLIM Test System
Slim (Simple List Invocation Method) is an alternative to Fit. Rather than running all the HTML processing, comparisons, and colorizing in the System Under Test (SUT), Slim keeps all that behavior on in FitNesse.