Took almost the same time as on windows, not bad.Sent from my iPhone

Very interesting!

"The specification for <canvas> is available from two sources: the W3C and the WHATWG. The API is comprised of something close to 100 interfaces, properties, and methods and offers an immediate mode programming model that's superficially similar to the Windows GDI API.

Maybe it was available before but I’ve just noticed that Google search allows to comment on search results and to promote search results. It is available for some results and not available for others. If anybody knows why it would be great to know.

When using YUI namespaces if something is wrong in web app it is very useful and actually very easy to go to Firebug Console or DOM window and inspect app’s objects.

“Mozmill is a UI testing tool for all Mozilla based applications.”

Project Page:

Python interface:

How to run it from comman

Interesting that IronRuby pays attention to such things as COM - kind of very old technology :)

“On the compatibility front, the Win32OLE Ruby library is now available in IronRuby.

Good comparison of two approaches: “team of engineers who do both development and testing as opposed to dedicated developers and testers”

My experience was very close to what Tomasz has described.

Re ‘Unit Tests’ for now I use ‘CPython tests IronPython’ approach. Sure to make it possible I stub all calls to .Net  Even with that –S option IronPython is not that fast yet. Sure for functional tests I need to call system itself.

“When the web service call is initiated from the UI thread of a Silverlight application, the async event handler code will also execute on the UI thread.”

Looks like DispatcherTimer behaves the same – works in the contex

I can’t agree with this statement: “IronPython is actually doing quite a lot at startup time”  If you are doing again and again the same thing and it affects users of the language why don’t you do it by some other way


“Duracell myGrid wireless charger puts an end to tangles”

Interesting Apps on CodePlex:

“SPCurrentUsers (on CodePlex)

SPCurrentUsers tracks users’ behavior in a site using a DelegateControl that runs on every page a user visits. The interface for the administrator is through a dynamic CustomAction that displays the current number of logged-on users.

YUI has its own meaning of namespace which can be used by custom application.

Interesting mistake Python programmers can do if they write JavaScript. In Python the separate file is a namespace. All global variables are in that namespace. So if you have couple of ‘a’ in different files they are different ‘a’s.

To turn on YUI LogReader:

- add logger into the <head> section, something like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/yui/build/logger/logger.js"></script>

- add LogReader creation before </body> tag, something like this: new YAHOO.widget.LogReader( "logID" )

- you can put somewhere su

Tool for getting calls tree for python code Another good link

Removing the duplication in Python Code (sure you are!) ? Good Tool:

“urllib2 will auto-detect your proxy settings and use those. This is through the ProxyHandler which is part of the normal handler chain. Normally that's a good thing, but there are occasions when it may not be helpful [5]. One way to do this is to setup our own ProxyHandler, with no proxies defined.

I think IDE hides the beauty of the programming language. The same is true for the ugliness.

Error message when you try to modify or to delete an alternate access mapping in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: "An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action"

Wrote Web App:- HTML is generated by Silverlight object with no UI

- Silverlight object is written on IronPython

- IronPython code is tested through CPython: nose

Sounds crazy, works great!

Silverlight is used as a controller of this app.

If you want  to call javascript for HTML Form and do no HTML/Form action (no page reload), just return false in javascript function.

Maybe even more important point for doing this is a testability.

It is absolutely possible to use Silverlight as a system part of your Web App. So page is still HTML with all benefits of that. Silverlight objects are hidden.

In Silverlight, the HTML Bridge is an integrated set of types and methods that enable you to do the following:

Expose complete managed types to JavaScript for scripting.

Google (Google) has a giant target on its back. Microsoft has been on a spending and deal-making spree to grow Bing (Bing), recently signing a huge search deal with Yahoo.

‘To an outsider, Toyota is hard to understand. The company moves forward gradually while also advancing in big leaps.

At least finally I’ve found it, that’s good :) It was pretty annoying to go to MSDN and see no examples. Just text. So what was it? Chrome :( It shows nothing for examples. If you go to Firefox, everything is in place. It is first time I was really disappointed in Chrome.

"Along these lines, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, has talked about SharePoint as the company’s next big operating system."

“While Microsoft’s Windows sales fell for the first time in history this year, its SharePoint sales have gone up.

Sure it is a known “issue” :) but I’ve just discovered this cool stuff if you put into browser this http://california/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx (it is SP web service and sure 'california' should be your FE), you get nice list of web service operations.

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