Using AWS Autoscaling with Spot Instances
The goal:
You have AWS load-balancer with spot-instances. You need the engine starting spot instances automatically when existing ones die.
You have AWS load-balancer with spot-instances. You need the engine starting spot instances automatically when existing ones die.
How to mount EBS volume into EC2 Ubuntu Instance
First see if it is attached with:
>> sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/xvdf: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
Then format it (if you haven't already done it)
>> sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf
Create dir where it will be mounted:
>>mkdir /mnt
That's it you can mount it:
>>sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt
Check if it has been mounted correctly with:
>>mount -l
/dev/xvdf on /mnt type ext4 (rw)
Make it to mount automatically on system start
>>sudo vim /etc/fstab
and add this:
/dev/xvdf /mnt1 auto d
>> sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/xvdf: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
Then format it (if you haven't already done it)
>> sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf
Create dir where it will be mounted:
>>mkdir /mnt
That's it you can mount it:
>>sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt
Check if it has been mounted correctly with:
>>mount -l
/dev/xvdf on /mnt type ext4 (rw)
Make it to mount automatically on system start
>>sudo vim /etc/fstab
and add this:
/dev/xvdf /mnt1 auto d
Google Chrome Log in Acceptance Tests
If you run Google Chrome with these parameters:
--enable-logging --v=1
you get absolutely independent instance of Chrome logging a lot of interesting things and among them all calls from JavaScript to console.log,, console.error functions.
What does it mean for Acceptance Testing? Simple! If you log from JavaScript you can test your Application through Google Chrome log.
--enable-logging --v=1
you get absolutely independent instance of Chrome logging a lot of interesting things and among them all calls from JavaScript to console.log,, console.error functions.
What does it mean for Acceptance Testing? Simple! If you log from JavaScript you can test your Application through Google Chrome log.
Thoughts about Pivotal Tracker
Pivotal Tracker is suitable for almost 100% for what I need to track 5 small teams: 4 in SPb and one in Zhuhai.
It is fast (rich JavaScript UI). It is very simple from usability perspective: rare case when you need to click twice to get what you need. For example Gravity is not that simple: to change Story you have to Open It first and then Click Edit.
What I use Pivotal Tracker for:
- Release Planning: dev mangers are filling Backlog.
It is fast (rich JavaScript UI). It is very simple from usability perspective: rare case when you need to click twice to get what you need. For example Gravity is not that simple: to change Story you have to Open It first and then Click Edit.
What I use Pivotal Tracker for:
- Release Planning: dev mangers are filling Backlog.
Function Hoisting or one more gotcha from JavaScript you should have known about!
Started reading great book ‘JavaScript Patterns’ and want to share very interesting example from there.
The beginning is here “2.2.5. Hoisting: A Problem with Scattered vars”:
“JavaScript enables you to have multiple var statements anywhere in a function, and they all act as if the variables were declared at the top of the function.
The beginning is here “2.2.5. Hoisting: A Problem with Scattered vars”:
“JavaScript enables you to have multiple var statements anywhere in a function, and they all act as if the variables were declared at the top of the function.
GitHub Network Graph
There is a great article describing this Network Graph.
I have no intent to repeat it here. Just want to say that It is very useful! It makes teams work very transparent.
Let me give you an example from almost real life! ;)
So we have four teams. We have one main repository on github. Every team has its own fork and implements features there.
I have no intent to repeat it here. Just want to say that It is very useful! It makes teams work very transparent.
Let me give you an example from almost real life! ;)
So we have four teams. We have one main repository on github. Every team has its own fork and implements features there.
Git and testing lab
You’ve got all your product on github, great! You have your local clone of github repository, even better!
But what will you do when your product is installed on testing virtual environment and you see a problem? Fix that on your dev machine in your local repository and then copy files to testing machine, and then, if it works, commit ?
Not very efficient! You need the immediate feedback, and you get that only if you modify files directly there - on testing environment!
But if you start doing
But what will you do when your product is installed on testing virtual environment and you see a problem? Fix that on your dev machine in your local repository and then copy files to testing machine, and then, if it works, commit ?
Not very efficient! You need the immediate feedback, and you get that only if you modify files directly there - on testing environment!
But if you start doing
GitHub and ssh_agent
For communicating with remote repository from your local clone you need SSH Keys. You generate them, add public key to github account, and sure protect your private key with passphrase, right? ;) All these steps are described here
Then you have two problems :)
First is annoying: you have to specify passphrase every time you push, pull, fetch to/from guthub.
Then you have two problems :)
First is annoying: you have to specify passphrase every time you push, pull, fetch to/from guthub.
Peopleware: Jelled Teams
“No one can be part of multiple jelled teams. The tight interactions of the jelled team are exclusive.
Peopleware: Defensive management
“You can’t protect yourself against your own people’s incompetence. If your stuff isn’t up to the job, you will fail. Of course, if the people are badly suited to the job, you should get new people. But once you’ve decided to go with a given group, your best tactic is to trust them. Any defensive measure taken to guarantee success in spite of them will only make things worse.
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