I can’t agree with this statement: “IronPython is actually doing quite a lot at startup timehttp://ironpython-urls.blogspot.com/2009/08/good-mix-20-startup-time-inline-c.html  If you are doing again and again the same thing and it affects users of the language why don’t you do it by some other way? Probably it could be possible to pre-compile the parts of CPython standard library IronPython uses. It is not a big deal to have couple more dlls required if you get 10 times faster startup time. Now for example it is not possible to write ‘unit tests’ by using IronPython. Just because ‘unit test’ is a code taking less than 10ms for  run.        






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The goal:

You have AWS load-balancer with spot-instances. You need the engine starting spot instances automatically when existing ones die.

Then just three steps:

as-create-launch-config phabricator-fe-lc --image-id ami-4b8d2622 --instance-type t1.micro --spot-price 0.02

as-create-auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-d --launch-configuration phabricator-fe-lc --availability-zones us-east-1d --min-size=1 --max-size=1 --default-cooldown 180 --grace-period 240 --health-check-type ELB --load-balancers phabricator

 as-create-auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-c --launch-configuration phabricator-fe-lc --availability-zones us-east-1c --min-size=1 --max-size=1 --default-cooldown 180 --grace-period 240 --health-check-type ELB --load-balancers phabricator


Sure you have to have load-balancer up and running :)

Starting spot instance procedure can take time. If you want your instance up and running as fast as possible create launch configuration and auto-scaling group for OnDemand instance:

as-create-launch-config phabricator-fe-lc-demand --image-id ami-4b8d2622 --instance-type t1.micro

as-create-auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-demand --launch-configuration phabricator-fe-lc-demand --availability-zones us-east-1d --min-size=0 --max-size=1 --default-cooldown 180 --grace-period 240 --health-check-type ELB --load-balancers phabricator

Then create two policies up and down:

as-put-scaling-policy on-demand-up-policy --auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-demand --adjustment=1 --type ChangeInCapacity

as-put-scaling-policy on-demand-down-policy --auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-demand --adjustment=-1 --type ChangeInCapacity

You are almost there!

Now go to Cloud Watch Web UI and create whatever Alarm you need for starting On-Demand and Terminating On-Demand instance.

I created for Starting: 

HealthyHostCount < 1 for 1 minutes

For Terminating:

HealthyHostCount > 1 for 1 minutes

If you need notifications when new instance is being started:

as-put-notification-configuration phabricator-fe-group-demand -t arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:758139277749:Phabricator -n autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH



If you change ami, do this:

as-update-auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-c --min-size 0
as-update-auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-d --min-size 0

... (all instances will be listed here)

as-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group i-c9a576b5 --no-decrement-desired-capacity

as-create-launch-config phabricator-fe-lc-demand1 --image-id  ami-bcec54d5 --instance-type t1.micro

as-update-auto-scaling-group phabricator-fe-group-demand --launch-configuration phabricator-fe-lc-demand1

as-delete-launch-config  phabricator-fe-lc


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