How can I get all lists from Wss2 Content DB?
My version (thanks to Sergey Z):
FROM [STS_Canada_1].[dbo].[Docs]
WHERE [LeafName] <> 'Attachments' AND [Type] = 1 AND
[ListId] IN
SELECT [tp_Id] FROM [Lists]
WHERE [tp_BaseType] <> 1
Please let me know if it is wrong.
An OLAP (Online analytical processing) cube is a data structure that allows fast analysis of data
To Grigory V
“An OLAP (Online analytical processing) cube is a data structure that allows fast analysis of data.[1] It can also be defined as the capability of manipulating and analyzing data from multiple perspectives.
A SharePoint Solution Package (WSP) creation tool for WSS 3.0 & MOSS 2007
I was doing all this stuff manually :)
“A SharePoint Solution Package (WSP) creation tool for WSS 3.0 & MOSS 2007
No more manually creating the manifest.xml file.
No more manually specifying the DDF file.
To be or not to be: SharePoint Designer WorkFlows
“SPD has some wonderful out-of-the-box workflows. However, these workflows are limited, do not migrate well, and would need to be maintained in production (see #1 above).
Introduction to SharePoint Feature Stapling - Part 1
“Feature Stapling allows you to create a feature and then associate it with any site definition without ever touching the site definition files themselves.
The installation of SPS 2003 SP2 on Wss2 SP2 does not work
Trying to install SPS 2003 SP2 on Wss2 SP2, says
“The expected version of the product was not found on your system”
Nice :)
Does anybody have any idea, why?
Understanding PRESCAN.EXE Errors
Personally I’ve got this one first:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: System.String Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPVirtualServerConfig.get_DefaultZoneOutgoingUrl()
There is an explanation in
Where to get prescan.exe if you already have wss3/MOSS installed?
<Program Files>\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN
You need to files:
And examples how to run:
SPS 2003: prescan.exe /c preupgradescanconfig.
Bunch of reStructuredText examples
If you want good examples of rst files, download docutils, unpack and go to docs directory.
Every txt there is an absolutely legitimate rst. So if you have docutils installed,
just use rst2html to get html version of those txts.
So finally started using Google Desktop for search in python source code!
So finally started using Google Desktop for search in python source code!
Before emails were the only case :)
From Google Sites to SharePoint
“Google has finally published a new Google Sites API allowing these clients
to move data from Google Sites to SharePoint and other collaboration suites.”
Google announce two new search features
if you are not happy with CPython performance, you have an option
“The PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation. The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python language itself to lower level languages.
Does IronPython need LINQ?
“I described how to use LINQ from an IronPython application and implied that I didn’t think it was the best idea. is a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs
“ is a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs. It monitors your program, noting which parts of the code have been executed, then analyzes the source to identify code that could have been executed but was not.
So now I have a question, does The Chrome Frame compete with Silverlight?
“The Chrome Frame allows IE to use HTML5 and other open source technologies, including high performance JavaScript enhancements, that Internet Explorer's Trident Engine is unable to render.
Your Friend Prescan.exe - How to Get it & What it Does
“Prescan is your friend.
How to get get all MS SQL procs/funcs which depend on the particular proc/func?
Just use SQL Management Studio Database Task: Generate Scripts. Save all scripts to File.
You all get all functions and procedures with their bodies in a single text file.
Then you can easily open it in Notepad++ and look for all dependencies.
Concurrency with Python, Twisted, and Flex
“It might seem strange that a networking library is the solution to concurrency, but once you divide your task into subprocesses, the next problem is to communicate with these subprocesses.
“Welcome to version 2 of Boost.Python, a C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language.
Top 10 reasons why teams fail with Acceptance Testing
No collaboration
Focusing on what, not on how
Tests unusable as live documentation
Expecting acceptance tests to be a full regression suite
Focusing on tools
Not considering acceptance testing as value added act
CherryPy and Django Templates Part 3
Based on this doc
I wrongly started to use render_to_string() when returning data to Cherrypy
CherryPy has a logic if it gets something different from string, it encodes it to "ISO-8859-1" ,
everything is fine till you get Russian c
CherryPy and Django Templates Part 2
To make Django templates working with CherryPy I’ve done this:
from django.conf import settings
settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ('django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',)
settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( 'templates', )
CherryPy and Django Templates
So finally I love this combination. Nothing can be simpler.
cherrypy and CoInitialize
Interesting problem with cherrypy and adodbapi.connect
Two calls to http://server/compare
compare function uses adodbapi.connect, second call fails with InterfaceError (,252)
added before calling to connect this:
import pythoncom
now works
probably it happe
Introducing Google Chrome Frame
“With Google Chrome Frame, developers can now take advantage of the latest open web technologies, even in Internet Explorer.
Parallel Python
“PP is a python module which provides mechanism for parallel execution of python code on
SMP (systems with multiple processors or cores) and clusters (computers connected via network).
It is light, easy to install and integrate with other python software.
How to get SharePoint ListID
Go to SharePoint List through your favorite browser. Open Page Source Code.
Python re module: HOWTO
“This document is an introductory tutorial to using regular expressions in Python with the re module.”
Pyccuracy is a Behavior-Driven Development Acceptance Testing framework
Testing infrastructure for Try Python
Maxim, Andrey, it is very similar to what you’ve done.
From Twitter “voidspace: The start of a testing infrastructure for Try Python. Not many tests yet however...
IronPython 2.6 Release Candidate 1 Released
“IronPython 2.6 is a version of IronPython targeting compatibility with Python 2.6.
Title in tp_Fields
Searching for column name for Title in this (from tp_Fields):
str = '''ERROR:root:((u'<Field ID="{03e45e84-1992-4d42-9116-26f756012634}" RowOrdinal="0" Type="ContentTypeId" Sealed="TRUE" ReadOnly="TRUE" Hidden="TRUE" DisplayName="Content Type ID" Name="ContentTypeId" DisplaceOnUpgrad
SharePoint Doc Flags: 2048 - what does it mean?
“The document is only a namespace entry for a list item
(that is, it corresponds to an item in a non-document library
list that should be filtered out from file system–centric enumerations).”
When tp_Fields must be NULL
"{tp_Fields}: This field MUST be NULL if the site or list has been flagged to cache all schema data; otherwise, it contains a WSS implementation-specific version string followed by an XML fragment representation of the field definitions