Vista: Activation and the SLMGR Command
Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.
"lxml is a Pythonic, mature binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries.
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=products.dashboard --cover-html
Measured coverage, got this:
Covered: 255 lines
Missed: 30 lines
Skipped 210 lines
Percent: 89 %
File Covered Missed Skipped Percent
products.dashboard.logic 186 22 149 89 %
products.dashboard.models 69 8
Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies
“Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way.
Twitter: Lists are timelines you build yourself, consisting of friends, family, co-workers, you name it.
http://twiter.comNew! Lists. A great way to organize the people you follow and discover new and interesting accounts.
SharePoint 2010 Granular Backup-Restore
In SharePoint 2007, all granular backup and restore operations were only available using stsadm.
Google App Engine System Status
Google Wave works in IE8 with Google Frame installed
And it looks absolutely identical to other browsers
How to monitor blocking in SQL Server 2005 and in SQL Server 2000
The following description of the sp_blocker_pss08 stored procedure captures this information.
SharePoint Top Performance Killers!
Backup (SQL & Tape)
Profile Import
Misc Timer Jobs
STSADM Backup/Restore
Large List Operations
Heavy User Operation List Import/Write
Cargo Cult Software Engineering
In the South Seas there is a cargo cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now.
blind use of programming practices without really understanding the underlying principles, which often does not bring any benefits
“Cargo cults
During World War II, Allied forces and Japan invaded isolated islands in the Pacific where the natives had had no contact with the rest of the world before. They arrived with modern equipment, built airfields and delivered supplies by cargo drops.
Specification workshops: good fight
“An alternative to relying on facilitators long-term is to promote the culture of a good fight, where open conflict of opinions is encouraged and respected rather than avoided. Naturally, this good fight concept should be limited to the topic at hand and not diverge into personal insults.
If there is no buy-in from the business experts
“If developers decide that they want to implement acceptance testing and there is no buy-in from the business experts to organise specification workshops, there can still be some benefits but they will not be as effective as with full cooperation from the business experts.
developers writing acceptance tests themselves: it is actually as wrong as it can possibly be
“In some places, developers try to get acceptance testing introduced from the bottom up by writing acceptance tests themselves, using the requirements documents as a guide, without discussing the tests with business people.
pdfminer: PDF parser and analyzer
It can be used for tests in places where we generate pdf files
“PDFMiner is a suite of programs that help extracting and analyzing text data of PDF documents.
python module: webcolors 1.3.1
"A library for working with color names and color value formats defined by the HTML and CSS specifications for use in documents on the Web.
Should assertions in Python as clear and readable as possible
“The goal of Should-DSL is to write should expectations in Python as clear and readable as possible, using "almost" natural language (with limitations from Python language).”
pyntch: Static code analyzer for Python
“Pyntch is a static code analyzer for Python. It detects possible runtime errors before actually running a code. Pyntch examines a source code statically and infers all possible types of variables, attributes, function arguments, and return values of each function or method.
the biggest benefit of agile acceptance testing at the moment
“The workshop helps to build a shared understanding of the domain and working with realistic examples helps us get more complete and precise specifications. This is, for me, the biggest benefit of agile acceptance testing at the moment.
How easy to test functions in Python
Functions in Python are first-citizen objects, so it is possible to store any members in a function objects. It allows in turn to have a function state exposed to the external world (to test in our case) for further checking.
>>> def func(a):
... func.res = a * 10
Python gettext - Multilingual internationalization services
“The gettext module provides internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N) services for your Python modules and applications. It supports both the GNU gettext message catalog API and a higher level, class-based API that may be more appropriate for Python files.
the greatest resistance to agile acceptance testing
"Developers are often enthusiastic about agile acceptance testing.
Testers typically sit on the fence, with testing managers sometimes
openly fighting against it because they fear that someone is
trespassing on their territory.
SQLServer: Database Transactions/sec
“Shows the amount of transactions on a given database or on the entire SQL Server per second. This number is more for your baseline and to help you troubleshoot issues.
Understanding SQL Performance Counters
SharePoint 2010 Top 10 Features and Resources
Social Media Investments
External lists
Large lists
Better Network Differencing & SharePoint Offline in SharePoint Workspace
High Availability/ Disaster Recovery Innovation
Unattached Recovery
Admin Insights through the Logging & Usag
Universal Feed Parser: Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python. 3000 unit tests. Open source.
feed2mb 0.7.6 Publish your feed items to a microblog
Feed2mb updates a microblog account from a xml feed. It's a free alternative to services like Twitterfeed.
Using the Lesser GPL permits use of the library in proprietary programs
“The GNU Project has two principal licenses to use for libraries. One is the GNU Lesser GPL; the other is the ordinary GNU GPL.
Python library that provides NTLM support, including an authentication handler for urllib2
“This library allows you to retrieve content from (usually corporate) servers protected with windows authentication (NTLM) using the python urllib2.”
Python 2.6: from collections import namedtuple, less and less reasons to use classes :)
"A named tuple is essentially a tuple which enables elements to be referenced by a field rather than an integer index, although the index may still be used as well."
First look: inside Mozilla's Raindrop messaging platform
“Raindrop is a Web service designed to collate, filter, and present content from disparate messaging services. It currently comes with support for Twitter, GMail, IMAP e-mail, and Skype.
five characteristics of modern CSS websites
“Progressive enhancement means creating a solid page with appropriate markup for content and adding advanced styling (and perhaps scripting) to the page for browsers that can handle it. It results in web pages that are usable by all browsers but that do not look identical in all browsers.
pydbgr: Modular Python Debugger
Actually I think program has to be debugged through log files. Usually such strategy makes you write good logs. But if you can’t get an idea what’s going on even with good logs, probably debugger can help.
Fwd: AlternativeTo is a new approach to finding good software
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From: Mikhael Plavskiy <>
Date: October 26, 2009 11:58:49 PM GMT+03:00
To: Mike Plavsky <>
Subject: AlternativeTo is a new approach to finding good software