Short version of Fitts' law: Put commonly accessed UI elements on the edges of the screen
"The short version of Fitts' law, to save you all that tedious reading, is this:
- Put commonly accessed UI elements on the edges of the screen. Because the cursor automatically stops at the edges, they will be easier to click on.
- Make clickable areas as large as you can.
The Software Craftsmanship Manifesto extends and challenges further the assumptions of the Agile Manifesto
"Software craftsmanship is an approach to software development that emphasizes the coding skills of the software developers themselves.
Twitter co-founder Evan Williams: Experimentation lets you create value
"UH: What makes 21st century businesses different? Like Twitter? The first principle to me is experimentation. Why are you willing to explore different possibilities?
EW: Experimentation lets you create value.
SLIM: beware of overdoing it! #fitnesse
"For using acceptance tests as a guide for development, beware of overdoing it. I am very concerned about long-term maintenance costs of such tests.
#googlewave hit space!
Move through the unread messages in a wave by pressing the spacebar.
Waferslim 1.0.1 released #python #fitnesse
This is a bug fix release targeting:
- Undefined symbols in tables raise an exception
- Multi-line data in fitnesse table cells causes exception
- Test fails when __repr__ raises exception while loggin
Using the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model - Part 1 and #powershell
Using the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model - Part 1
Tried it from powershell - doesn't work
This works:
>>Add-Type -Path Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll
>>$client = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext "http://sp2010dc"
This doesn't
>>$client.LoadQuery( $
#powershell Piping Objects to Functions
from >>get-help about_functions
Any function can take input from the pipeline. You can control how a
function processes input from the pipeline using Begin, Process, and End
- The Begin statement list runs one time only, at the beginning of the function.
Introducing the Windows #powershell ISE
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0
The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is a host application for Windows PowerShell.
How to Ease Customer Pain
- Explain what exactly the end result will be
- Tell the customer what you will be doing
- Explain what the customer will need to do
- Outline anything the customer will experience (wait, discomfort, etc.)
- Call the customer by name to personalize the experience
- If tensio
#powershell job can be run as 32 process even if computer has 64-bit OS
just run this and check example 6
get-help start-job -examples
exploring wsman configuration, the core of remoting in #powershell
>>cd wsman:
ComputerName Type
------------ ----
localhost Container
>>cd localhost
Name Value
---- -----
MaxEnvelopeSizekb 150
MaxTimeoutms 60000
MaxBatchItems 32000
MaxProviderRequests 4294967295
>> cd client
>> ls
SQL Server #powershell Extensions (SQLPSX)
The primary goal of SQL Server PowerShell Extensions (SQLPSX) is to provide intuitive functions around the SMO objects which are backward compatible with SQL 2000. A secondary goal is to provide an application which reports flatten/effective security settings.
How to restore from SharePoint 2010 Recycle Bin through PowerShell 2.0
Search for what you need:
>>(Get-SPWeb "http://sp2010dc" ).RecycleBin | ?{$_.Title -match "cool"}
Web : Home
ID : b23d2d41-cd6a-4471-a891-c86f83563e11
ItemState : FirstStageRecycleBin
ItemType : ListItem
Title : Would be cool
DirName : Lists/Tasks
LeafName : 1_.000
Author : PRODUCT\administ
How to call SharePoint 2010 remotely through PowerShell 2.0
you are on computerA, SharePoint is on computerB
on computerA:
>>Enter-PSSession -Computer computerB
>>Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.PowerShell
Enjoy :)
SharePoint 2010 Backup/Restore from PowerShell 2.0
>>Invoke-Command -session $session {Get-Command Restore* | ?{$_.ModuleName -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" } |select Name}
>>Invoke-Command -session $session {Get-Command *Backup*|?{$_.CommandType -eq "CmdLet"}|sele
#powershell 2.0 modules, you don't need to be Administrator to call them
"Modules appear destined to replace snapins as the main way to extend PowerShell.
What’s New In PowerShell 2?
Advanced Functions
Integrated Script Editor (debugging)
Transaction support
#powershell and #lambda
>>function test ($x) { &$x(3) }
>>test { param($x) $x + 2 }
SharePoint 2010 Products administration by using Windows PowerShell
- To retrieve a list of all SharePoint 2010 Products cmdlets using the Noun parameter, at the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command: Get-Command –module Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
- To retrieve a list
#powershell Using the Get-Command Cmdlet
Can’t remember the name of each and every Windows PowerShell cmdlet? Don’t worry about it; that’s one of the things Get-Command can help you with.
Get-Alias | sort #powershell
gets alphabetic listing of all currently defined aliases, want to assign alias? check Set-Alias
get-help about #powershell
shows a list of all about documents, very helpful
powershell 2.0 and credssp, works just great
powershell 2.0 and credssp, works just great
First I thought it is like Kerberos delegation. That is a pain, you have to do bunch of tricks with SPN and AD accounts. But credssp is much easier to turn on and use.
Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) in Windows XP Service Pack 3
CredSSP is a new Security Support Provider (SSP) that is available in Windows XP SP3 by using the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI).